Aquaeus Wildfire Sprinkler Systems


Aquaeus is a world leader in developing and delivering custom wildfire sprinkler systems. Wherever you are located, we can help you protect your property from wildfire risk. We use a variety of technology and techniques to work with you and develop custom designs that meet your needs. Our deep insight and experience enable us to create sophisticated wildfire sprinkler systems. We provide an unparalleled level of support to you and your property.

Wildfire pumping and sprinkler applications are distinctly different from other consumer water distribution applications. Aquaeus has over 20 years of practical experience with industrial water pumping, water distribution, and wildfire sprinkler applications, and we bring it all together as part of designing your custom system. Our experience allows us to design and select key features that will make your system robust and easy to operate. We work with you using a variety of interactive technologies in order to develop custom designs that fit your needs. We select and deliver quality, appropriate materials at competitive prices. We want to help you move water and get it to where it can offer you some peace of mind in a wildfire situation. Wildfire sprinklers can give you a tremendous edge when you need it.

Whether you are looking at wildfire sprinklers for a cabin, cottage, camp, or a community, we can design to virtually any required size and deliver projects in any location. Our designs are scalable, sustainable, and easy to operate in real world settings. Our unique approach ensures that your system will be easy to operate, and will operate as expected when you need it to. Contact us at any time for an initial consultation on your wildfire sprinkler system needs. Our contact information can be found in the Contact Us section below.

“Do it right…do it once.”